Take a little bit of RISK to get all those REWARDS!

As an actuary, I have been trained to logically plan things out, analyze and minimize risk, and play it safe and secure. As a certified professional coach, I have been trained to help people to get into their hearts, take some risk, play big, and go after what they want. The combination of the two sounds completely contradictory, but is actually a perfect match to help people get what they want.

Balance is key in life as well as in coaching. Challenging and stretching people, getting them out of their comfort zones, and playing big as they travel down that road to fulfill their dreams is just as important as helping people foresee, be prepared for, and overcome those bumps in the road and getting back on track in a safe and supportive way.

After hiring a coach myself and having such an amazing, life-changing experience, I decided to become a coach myself and bring that life-changing experience to others.  Getting out of my comfort zone and taking that little bit of risk has been so worth it, as I am now creating the life I want and experiencing all of the rewards life has to offer.  If you’re ready to take charge of your life, connect with me for a free complimentary session.